Here in this blog, will try to explain what tools are in use in the present market and little bit about each of those tools.
GUI Layer Testing Tools:
Quick Test Professional (QTP) - by Hewlett-Packard (formerly owned by Mercury)
Test Complete (TC) - by Smart Bear (formerly Automated QA)
WinRunner - by Hewlett-Packard (formerly owned by Mercury)
IBM Rational Functional Tester - by IBM
Silk Test - by Borland
Note: This list contains only important or tools that are used by most of the companies. It doesn't include every tool that is in use.
Load/ Performance Testing Tools:
Load Runner - by Hewlett-Packard (formerly owned by Mercury)
IBM Rational performance Tester - by IBM
VisualStudio Load Test - Microsoft
Silk performer - by MicroFocus
GH Tester - by Greenhat
There's load of other load testing tools that you can find on internet.